General Terms & Conditions
Listed below are the General Terms & Conditions for the UNISCA Foundation. These terms and conditions, which include a limitation of liability, apply to all of our activities. Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions.
1. The UNISCA Foundation, hereafter referred to as ‘Foundation’, organises an inter-university and interdisciplinary United Nations simulation project for students bearing the name United Nations International Student Conference of Amsterdam, hereafter referred to as ‘UNISCA’.
2. The Board of Directors of the Foundation takes care of all organisational, financial and administrative aspects of the project.
3. The Academic Team of the Foundation takes care of all academic aspects of the project, including granting study credits, setting and maintaining all academic guidelines and requirements and other formal and administrative matters which fall under the discretion of qualified university personnel.
4. The Academic team may assign tasks to the Board of Directors related to the academic aspects of the project, but retains full responsibility for these tasks.
5. The Board of Directors reserves the right to cancel the project at its discretion.
6. All students who completed their first year in university and acquired at least 60 ECs of their first year can register for UNISCA.
7. Together with a letter confirming registration, an invoice for the tuition fee will be sent to all registered participants. Payment of the fee is due within 14 days upon receiving the confirmation.
8. Enrolment takes place upon registration and payment of the tuition fee.
9. If applicable, financial transaction costs will be at the expense of the participant.
10. The Foundation cannot guarantee that any given university or faculty will recognise UNISCA as a valid course in the participant’s curriculum and apply the study credits towards their student’s degree-programme. The Foundation cannot in any way be held liable for direct or indirect material or immaterial damage following expectations, met or unmet, on the part of the participant concerning the granting of study credits for UNISCA.
11. The final grade for the project will be determined through assessments, which are described in the Study Guide. The Course Manual will however be authoritative on the content and weight of these assessments.
12. The Foundation takes a stern view with student plagiarism, collaboration and other practices not consistent with academic ethics. Collaboration occurs when two or more individuals combine their efforts in order to deceive the lecturer as to whom is responsible for a particular piece of work. Plagiarism occurs when students use the ideas, word sequences, diagrams and other forms of work established prior to the particular student’s submission, without acknowledging the source of work used.
13. Presence during the whole conference is required for the completion of the course. The Board of Directors decides upon the regulations for absence.
14. A maximum of participants can be enrolled, leaving the Foundation the right to increase this number or to reduce it when necessary. For administrative purposes, the Board of Directors reserves the right to create a backup list when this limit is exceeded. Paid fees will be refunded if the completion of the enrollment procedure proves to be impossible due to over-registration for the project.
15. The Board of Directors assigns a role to each participating student.
​16. The Foundation reserves the right to make a selection of students before assigning conference roles in order to safeguard a representation of multiple institutions and nationalities and a high academic level at the conference, or for practical purposes, using criteria it will set at its discretion.
17. The Board of Directors will appoint members of the Conference Committee, which acts in the Board’s name during the conference and bears responsibility for chairing the forums and other tasks delegated to the Committee by the Board.
18. Participants agree to follow all directions of members of the Board of Directors or Conference Committee at all times during the conference.
19. For administrative purposes, the Board of Directors, Academic Team and those acting in their name, reserve the right to access personal and academic information of the participants at UNISCA. This information will be handled with discretion and will not be released to any third party.
20. Cancellation can only occur by writing to the secretary of UNISCA.
21. In the case of cancellation of the registration three weeks before the start of the first lectures, the participant has the right of restitution of half of the participation fee.
22. Cancellation on a later term than mentioned in term 21 will deprive the participant’s right of restitution.
23. Refunding of paid fees will depend on the decision of the financial manager of UNISCA and will occur at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
24. The Foundation cannot guarantee any housing facilities.
25. The Board of Directors reserves the right to expel participants from the conference when it perceives their behavior to be disruptive to the proceedings of the conference. The Secretary- General may take other disciplinary actions, such as temporary suspension from a forum. There will be no appeal for such decisions. The Board of Directors will set further regulations for these disciplinary decisions and will publish these regulations in the Conference Guide.
26. The Board of Directors can, at all times, intervene in the proceedings of the conference. Decisions in this matter of the Board of Directors are binding to all participants.
27. Re-examinations for parts of the course will be arranged in accordance with the regulations contained in the University of Amsterdam’s Student Statute.
28. The Foundation cannot be held liable for theft, fraud, injury, death or any other material or immaterial damage brought upon participants whatsoever, occurring before, during or after the conference.
29. The law of the Netherlands shall govern the legal relationship between the Foundation and any other party.